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Queen of Abansi

Mama Adzimah Akorlikpo I is the incumbent Queen of Gbi-Abansi. She is known in private as Rose Yawa Adja-Kwaku.


Born on 7th March 1953, at the Hohoe Government Hospital, Adzima Akorlikpo I is one of nine divisional queens that represent Gbi Traditional Area. She hails from the Tsevi clan and the Royal Akorlikpo gate of Abansi. Her father and mother—both royals from Abansi and Kpeme respectively—were Togbe Adzima IV; Chief of Abansi, and Madam Maritine Yawa Adja-Kwaku (nee Ekpi) of Kpeme, both of blessed memory.


Mama Adzimah Akorlikpo was enstooled queen of Abansi in 2002, following the death of her aunt and predecessor, Divisional Queen Mama Honu II, in 2001.


Adja-Kwaku is a former employee of Bank of Ghana and a mother of three. One of her children is Mama Ahorsu Kromponisi; a sub-divisional queen in Gbi-Kpeme. She is first cousins with Mama Wordegoe II, queen of Gbi-Kpeme.

Abansi’s head queen is modest by nature. She has a good and harmonious working relationship with fellow traditional leaders; especially, Togbe Adzimah V, head Chief of Gbi-Abansi, as well as Togbe Dzidoa I and Mama Dzidoasi I, at the sub-divisional level.

 © Gbi Viwo 
By A. H. Condobrey

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